Do you get Twitter? I think I kinda’ do. But I am still not a big user. This video helps explain part of the attraction.
Credit: Common Craft
Leading and Learning with Technology
Do you get Twitter? I think I kinda’ do. But I am still not a big user. This video helps explain part of the attraction.
Credit: Common Craft
A posting I read today on Jeff Utecht’s blog, Utechtips, got me thinking about data and the enormous amounts of data being collected and created on the web today. His posting was about a new piece of software demoed at the TED talks called Photosynth. This web site and software uses tags and photo meta data to make connections between related pictures.
At the end of the day I was in a meeting and we were talking about 21st century skills and helping students become digital citizens. It made me think about all this data and how students will need data literacy skills to make sense of it all and also to make the connections that will be needed to make new information.
Credit: TED Talks